Thursday 30 November 2006

You MUST come back, Alson.

Today, I bought some foods from China Town and prepared dinner specially for Alson. He is off to London today and going back to Malaysia tomorrow morning. We had have harvest dinner tonight, we laugh and having fun in the kitchen as last time. Everyone praise for the dinner I prepared. After the dinner, Alson packed his luggage. I know he still very sad.
We just sent Alson to the train station. He hugged everyone, he cried when he hugging me. He asked me in tremble voice, "Conan.... what do you want me... to pass message to my mum?" I was stunned, my brain gone blank for once more. He asked for second time, hugging me as tight as he can, I hugged him tightly too. I suppressed my tears from bursting out. I don't want he getting more depressed if I cried. I could feel the lump in my throat, and I told him "Let your mum know, I will take care of you as I promised your mum" and then, he weep and I could deeply felt the pain he suffered. Finally, he got into the train to London. Depart at 8:36pm sharp. Arriving at 00:17am at London King Cross. Benedict will pick him up. I believe Benedict will take care him as well.

"Alson, we are waiting for you to come back here. Me, Felix, Yoong, JiJie, Vendee, Wan Mei, Wan Phui, Laysan, Jovena, KohYen, Julia, Hsioa Ying, Hui Zhi, James, Crystal and many more, we are waiting you to come back. You must stand up to overcome this. I could understand that this was the biggest slope in your lifetime. We learnt how to walk, because we fell down. We learnt how to talk, because we were taught by our parents. We learnt how to do better, because we fail before. We learnt to make friends, so that there is somebody to console you when you need it. Here we are, speak to us, talk to us, we will support you. We will always go to MacDonald, we will always rush to school 10 mintues before the class commence, we will always go to the library, we will always go to the highstreets to shop around (perhaps window shopping), we will always go to Tian Tian to enjoy Chinese foods, we will always travel around the UK, we will always cook in our tiny kitchen, we will always have our dinner on the small table, we will always be together. Yes, we are waiting for you."

Wednesday 29 November 2006

Rest In Peace Aunty Doris. May the lord always by your side.

A tremendous news shocked onto my dizzy brain this afternoon. I couldn't feel the atmosphere surround me anymore, walking pedestrian just pass by me without my notice, my brain was totally gone blank and my mood totally devastated. I've been told by friend that Aunty Doris passed away, I was in school at that moment. My heart beat was on the max palpitate when every single footstep towards to my dormitory. I don't know how to console Alson. I have slightly tears came out from my canthus and lump in my throat.

When I reach home, I saw Alson. I don't know what to say, I don't know how to console him. I know that he has the biggest impact time on his life ever. I asked whether he had arrange everything for the flight and train, I would like to help him anything that he need with pleasure. I booked the train for him to go to London tomorrow, 8:30pm something. I will be accompanying him to the train station. I got him the Application Form to defer Assignment.

"Aunty Doris, Rest in peace. You are the best person I ever met, you treat me very well. The lord has arranged everything. He want to take away your soul. He have the reason to do so. I couldn't believe that he took out your soul at this critical moment. Why? Only he knew it. You treat me very well in the past, you spent me a lot. Do you still remember that I agreed to spend you when I come back from England? I really wanted to spend you when I go back to KK. I promised you to take care Alson when we are in England. You told me to cook for Alson, because Alson doesn't know to cook at all. But guess what, he know to cook very well now, I completed my tasks. Albeit that I completed my tasks, but I couldn't prove it to you anymore. Don't worry Aunty Doris, I will continue to take care Alson on behalf of you. May god lead you the bright way now. You will be not forgotten, the memory of you will always be in my heart"

May you be blessed with eternal life and love. Rest In Peace.

Monday 27 November 2006

I finally visit Most Famous City - London

I have been struggle around with my assignment last weekdays so that I could enjoy the trip in London. I packed my back pack and off from Newcastle to London by GNER rail. The journey tooks me 3 and half hours. Well I finally arrived in London 12:30am sharp. The rail ticket cost 44.50 pound sterling, which considerable prices for me.

Upon arrival I called Mr Elan, he is a Malaysian Indian. My flatmate's uncle. He is running Guest House business in South East London since last year. Along the journey back to his house, he talked a lot about Malaysia politic, he dislike Malay a lot and the way UMNO running Malaysia Government. He moved to UK since 15 years ago, albeit he dislike Malaysia but he is still concern about Malaysia politic.

The next morning, Lay San and I meet up Benedict, it was a raining day and we waited Benedict at Charing Cross station for 1 hours. He brought us to China Town to have our lunch. I had my lovely ChaoSao + Roasted Duck Rice which only cost me 4.50 pound sterling. The lunch filling my stomach well. And then we go to the Queen's castle somewhere else in London. Arriving in the castle the first thing I noticed that the castle was locked to prevent traveller to go inside. We were only able to take photo from 500meter distance far away from the castle. After some walk and shots of scenery, we arrive at the famous lion statue nearby the National Art Gallery of London. The statue of the lion was build by a blind man, he were told by somebody how's lion looks like and he crafted it by his own imagination. How MARVELLOUS was this..

Next we went to Harrods, wow.. truly words cannot be potray. This department shop just full of rich brits shopping around. Famous restaurant, clothing, jewellery, perfume were all to be digged only here. Three of us only able to buy some accesories, I bought a bear for my lovely Sherry and Lay San bought a better one teddy bear ! (Shit, I am going to ask Ben to get me another one). We also ate some donuts. Uh.. the best donuts I ever have in my lifetime. The donut was topped with somekind of sugar, the donuts are hot but not yet to burn your lips, it has very crisps outter layer. When a bite of donuts in your mouth, it melt on your tounge instantly. Truly words cannot explain, unless you try it urself.

But Harrods was too crowded and I am bit of headache. We went to a Japanese Restaurant in China Town too. We had been on the queue for like 45 minutes, but finally long after our waiting, we are able to order foods. I ordered Curry Chicken Rice and a plate of Shashimi. Three of us enjoyed our meal very much and we have some nice talk. After our dinner we went for walk to enjoy the London Eye in the dark mist of cold night.

The next morning, I woke up lately. Our first destination - brunch in a Malaysian owned restaurant. The foods are served with heavy monosodium glutamate. And then we took travel cruise on the River Tyne and enjoy the night scenery of London. Ya the commentator is a funny and humourous dude. The cruise brought us to the London Eye, it was 5:50pm and we arrive at the ticket counter for the London Eye at 6pm. The staff said the ticket counter was closing now, OMG FUCK ! We miss it yesterday and we miss it today again. The doom atmosphere among us made us stay no longer nearby London Eye. We went to dinner at a western restaurant, I had a ribbed-eye 8oz steak served with cheese and corn sauce. Cost me 15 pound sterling which is considerable. The steak was so nice in raw stages. We order some dessert after the meal and I put away with a bottle of Tiger beer.

After our harvest meal we departed at London King Cross for our train back to Newcastle. Along the journey in train. I spend most of my time reading Sherlock Hormes novel. Overall, a tiring but enjoyable holiday for me.

Thursday 23 November 2006

10's What's wrong with people in Friendster. Yes I agree they are jackass


there is NO SUCH THING as a does NOT exist. so quit postingstupidbulletins like"OH-EM-GEEEEE this WORKS!!!"no, it doesnt.


To the people who have like 25,000friends,are you serious?You're stupid.Go play in traffic.


Don't ever post pictures and say"OMG, I'm so ugly""OMG, I'm so fat"because if you were,you wouldn't post them.And if u do ur a freaking mongoloid.


Nobody cares about threats over theinternet.Don't try to act hardcore with thekeyboard.Fighting online is like racing in thespecialolympics;even if you win, you're still retarded.


Quit cryingb/c you're not on someones top 8.who cares?ITS FRIENDSTER!!!Stop bitching!!!


Who really cares ifI don't accept you as a friend?MOVE ON!!!Don't send me another request ormessage asking"what's up with you not adding me?"I don't want you as a friend,that's what's up bitch!!!


Little 12 year olds who have Friendsterand look like sluts, and act likewhoresgo somewhere elsebecause nobody wants you here.


If you have decided to read this,you are a true Friendster Friend.Real friends read their bulletins.


I say you go and pass this onand maybe it will finally get throughpeople's brains


And if you open a bulletin and it sayssomethinglike"repost this in 100 seconds or a ghostwill rapeyourdogtonight,or some dead skinless girl isgonna rapeyourmom"QUIT BEING A DUMBASSThis is a test to see how many peoplein your friends listactually pay attention to you.Repost this with.."What's wrong with people inFriendster"

Assignment Day

Woke up at noon, made some research on the net and start doing my assignment. And of course I called my lovely Sherry in Taiwan now. Suddenly, I fall asleep right infront of my notebook... for 2 hours ! Oh My God .. After that went to dinner with laysan at BarOne and then proceed to Library. Finished a question and do some more research and reading in the library until 11:30pm. Finally arrived home and took a bath and ate a pear.

So this is my day.

Some random pictures..

Monday 20 November 2006

Casino day

I woke up early today, Julia called me at 12 to accompany her to change her cap. Anyway, she got a nice one by now.

And then we window shopping for a while. They I bought some instant noodles in Chinese street and some pears.. Finally.. I stepped in to casino.

Well, Alson and me hanging in the casino until 11:30pm. Julia went back around 7. I was accompanying Alson betting. Today not his day, he lose some and I win 35 pound. (Actually I was not thinking to play, but I was too boring too boring.)

Tomorrow I will get a backpack with the money I won today. Cheersss

Conclusion - I am happy

Sunday 19 November 2006

My first blog - Nov 18th

Unfortunately I forced by someone to open a blog. Which I think blog will make my life busier than before. But hey, now I can jot down anything happened in my day, happy/extremely excited/dull/sad...etc.

Today.. woke up in frozen morning (7:15am.. bus are leaving in 8am). Rushing in time made myself warmer. We took 3 hours coach and reached Edinburgh, Scotland. A lovely place !! This what we called "European feel" .. Newcastle pai seh lah !

Took a lot of picture .. visited to a place called camera gallery, something like that. Alson, laysan and me having lotsa fun there. HAHA. After that shop around the city and take coach back to Newcastle to have dinner and ended up in front of monitor typing this blog.

BY THE WAY, I just wanted to share things happened to me yesterday. I have been balancing my mood for the whole night and turning it bright. ok.. I got a worst haircut ever in my life, my first instinct brought me to Skateboard shop, and then I bought a skateboard cap. SHIT ! My friend said that my new haircut is very cute, which I don't think so because they didn't see my hairstyle at the moment I step out from the barber shop.

Conclusion .... I will wearing cap until my hair grow longer. cheerss...