Friday 15 December 2006


quote "rili disappointed to "dear fren" "

I don't want to mention this person here, you will know who you are. Bastard. I don't care how do you think of me, I just dislike you very much NOW. In the past I never really care about you actually.

First - This person said " disappointed " because one of her best friend, forgot to greet her on her birthday, and she text a msg to her so called BEST FRIEND, translation from Chinese sounds like dis, "Hai ~~~ I thought my dear friend would greet me on this special day, I am really disappointed at YOU"

So do you know your dear friend was busy all the time ? She woke up at 8am, work from 9am - 10pm everyday. She doesn't have any single time to surf the net. She doesn't have a 20 pence notebook to write down every person name, contact, address, bday. She even forget some special day between me and her. You define her as your best friend, so do you know she is a forgetful person? She doesn't have a good memory?

To whom are reading this blog, don't be supprise, don't judge me as I am an hotspur person. This slutty done so much things in the past which make me felt uncomfortable. I know you have financial problems. Just please, care about the others. You are not only the one have the problems. slut

You really need to reevaluate yourself !


laysan said...

ho ho ho...calm down boy..

Anonymous said... aggressive...

Anonymous said...

fock off .... slagger